The Green Pepper Junction Affirmations
Read through the Positive Affirmations of Green Pepper Junction & be inspired
“Reach for a tree –
you might get a branch –
Reach for the moon –
You could meet the clouds –
Reach for the stars –
You just might get the sun.”

A sound is only a sound –
when it falls on the ear that hears.
when it falls on the ear that hears.
Whatever you dream –
the mind conceives and what it conceives –
it soon believes –
and what it believes –
it soon achieves!
the mind conceives and what it conceives –
it soon believes –
and what it believes –
it soon achieves!

The only real failure – is the failure to try!
The person who risks nothing – has nothing!
A man stands ten feet tall –
if he can reach that high!
if he can reach that high!

If you’re not the first in everything, you’re the last!
Your future is whatever you make it!